Skiing is a very demanding activity and we often see people with skiing-related injuries. Sometime this can just be a simple muscle strain, but we regularly help people through an extended period of rehabilitation following surgery resulting from a skiing accident.
Given that skiing is such a demanding physical activity, we advise that people properly prepare before hitting the slopes. A simple series of exercises can assist in preparing your muscles for the activity ahead, and can help to reduce the risk of sustaining an injury.
It is important to have sufficient strength, control and flexibility in order to cope with the demands of skiing. The quadriceps, gluteals, hamstrings and calves all are important muscles to focus on in preparing for skiing.
Below are a series of basic exercises that focus on the developing the strength, control and flexibility of the key muscles used during skiing. You can perform these exercises 3-4 times per week in preparation for your ventures on the slopes. This is not an exclusive list of exercises, but it should be enough to get you and keep you going!
Stand with both feet hip width apart and facing forward.
While maintaining your back straight and your knee caps aligned with your second toes, slowly lower your body into a squat position (90° degrees) leaning slightly forward as you would sit in a chair keeping your heels in contact with the ground.
Push weight into heels and activate gluts to come back up to initial position and repeat.
3 x 10 reps
With your knee at hip width, take a step forward and try to get a 90 degrees flexion at the knee and the hip.
Keep your torso and your hip stable and the foot aligned with the knee and the hip. Return in control to the starting position and repeat.
3 x 10 reps each side (alternate left and right)
Standing with feet together and hand together in front.
You lunge to one side keeping the knee cap over the 2nd toe and a slightly arched back (hips stick back).
Push through the heels to return to starting position. Repeat on the other side if indicated.
Landing must be soft and easy on joints.
3 x 10 reps each side (alternate left and right)
Stand with the ball against your lower back and against the wall.
Move your feet forward to get your legs at 45 degrees from the wall.
Place an elastic resistance band around the knees.
Slowly bend your knees to 90 degrees without allowing your knees to go further than your ankle.
Return to initial position and repeat.
NOTE: Always keep your back straight (slightly arched) and your knee cap aligned with your second toe by pushing your knees outwards against the elastic.
3 x 8 reps (hold each rep for 5 seconds in the bottom position)
Stand on one leg with your foot facing forward.
Lower your body by bending the knee keeping the knee cap aligned with the 2nd toe.
Return to starting position and repeat.
NOTE: Keep your knee stable (avoid any lateral movements) during the exercise.
3 x 10 reps
Stand with one foot in front of the other facing a wall. Keep both feet pointing straight towards the wall.
Bend both knees keeping the heel on the floor until you feel a stretch in the calf of the back leg.
Repeat 3 times for 30-60 seconds
CALF STRETCH (gastrocnemius)
Stand and place both hands on a wall, with your feet about half a meter from the wall.
Place one leg behind the other and lean your body forward without bending the back knee until you feel a stretch in your back calf.
Maintain the stretch and relax.
Repeat 3 times for 30-60 seconds
Lie on your side with involved leg up and bottom knee bent up in front to protect your back.
Reach back and grasp ankle of involved leg and gently pull towards buttocks.
Move your knee back without arching your back until you feel a stretch in the front of your thigh.
Keep your knee as low to the floor as possible and maintain the position.
NOTE: You can use a towel or belt around your ankle to pull it towards buttocks.
Repeat 3 times for 30-60 seconds
While standing, place one foot on a small step/stool.
Keeping your back straight, press your bottom backwards
Repeat 3 times for 30-60 seconds
Lie on your back with your knees bent, place one foot (affected side) over the opposite knee.
Grab behind the leg that is on the ground with your hands and pull it toward you until you feel a gentle stretch.
Maintain the position and relax.
NOTE: Push on your knee to increase the stretch.
*Alternative* Lie in front of a wall and use the wall to push your foot if you have trouble reaching the back of your leg.
Repeat 3 times for 30-60 seconds
Lie on your back and lift affected leg to chest and grab your knee with opposite hand while the other leg stays straight.
Gently pull your leg across chest to opposite shoulder until a stretch is felt deep in the buttocks and let your foot hang over the straight leg.
Maintain your pelvis in contact with the floor by applying pressure with the other hand.
Maintain the position and relax.
Repeat 3 times for 30-60 seconds